Note that memory is specified in Mb, so multiply GB by 1024, eg: 2GB = 2048. I'll be using 4.ģ.3 If you have 8GB or more RAM, give your VM 4GB (4096 Mb) RAM, otherwise, give it half your available memory (RAM). I'm calling it /dev/sdz for this tutorial.ģ.2 If your CPU has 4 or cores, give your VM half, else give it only 1. Chances are it's the last /dev/sd, but if you're not sure, run lsblk before and after plugging in your flashdrive it's the new device. Now, you're going to have to get a little info:ģ.1 If you have plugged in your flashdrive, run: lsblk and you should be able to tell the device node it is by looking at the size alone. We'll use ~/temp in the example.Ģ.2 Copy the ISO file (I'll call it "mydistro.iso") to ~/tempģ.

This is to install an ISO to a USB storage device (as in install, not image it, a'la dd) It worked as of 2020/21-ish, I don't remember and IDK if some things have changed by the time someone reads this.ġ.1 On Debian-family (eg: Ubuntu/Mint/et al), install with: apt-get install qemu qemu-kvm ovmf -yĢ.1 Now make a directory to do this.

Tutorial: Install My Distro to a Flashdrive the Simplest Way Although this thread's started by a bot/fake account, it'll come up on Google/Bing's results for someone looking to do this.